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PCSJul 09, 20244 min read

Strengthening Manufacturing with Managed IT Solutions

IT operations are a necessary part of any business, but in manufacturing, it is more critical than ever for IT to be efficient and secure. As IT increasingly integrates into manufacturing processes, the demands on these systems are on the rise. Managed IT services are a strategic answer to those and provide specialized expertise, and resources. In this blog, we have a look at why managed IT services are crucial today to avoid the threats of managing your own company's tech and getting all that managed service providers (MSPs) can provide you specifically as part of manufacturing. Manufacturers can utilize this information to make better decisions that enhance their operations and protect the integrity of their technical assets.

What are Managed IT Services?

Typically, managed IT services mean outsourcing a company's IT functions and responsibilities to an external service provider. Managed Service providers assume responsibility for the management, monitoring, or maintaining systems and IT infrastructure of an organization. This may include anything from network management to data backup and recovery, cybersecurity services, cloud service, or IT support.

The complexity of IT systems has increased considerably, particularly in the manufacturing industry. A stable and secure IT infrastructure is crucial with manufacturing becoming increasingly automated and data-centric. Managed IT services offer manufacturers the expertise and resources to ensure their systems run efficiently, securely, and comply with industry regulations.


Risks of In-House IT Management

Manufacturing companies increasingly rely on complex IT systems to streamline operations and maintain competitiveness. However, managing these systems in-house can present significant challenges. Without the expertise and support of an MSP, manufacturers may face several disadvantages that can delay productivity, increase costs, and expose the business to security risks.

  • Increased Downtime: Without the support of an MSP, manufacturing companies may experience more frequent and prolonged IT downtime. Internal IT teams may struggle to keep up with the demands of maintaining and troubleshooting complex systems, leading to production delays and lost revenue.
  • Higher Operational Costs: Maintaining an in-house IT team can be costly. Salaries, benefits, ongoing training, and the cost of advanced tools and technologies can quickly add up. On the other hand, MSPs offer scalable, cost-effective solutions, as they spread their costs across multiple clients.
  • Security Risks: Cybersecurity threats are continually progressing, and manufacturing companies are prime targets due to the sensitive nature of their data and operations. Without the expertise of an MSP, companies may find it challenging to keep their systems up-to-date with the latest security measures, leaving them vulnerable to attacks.
  • Lack of Expertise: IT is a broad field, and finding professionals with expertise in all necessary areas can be difficult. MSPs have a team of specialists with diverse skill sets, ensuring that all aspects of a company’s IT needs are covered.
  • Compliance Issues: Manufacturing companies often need to comply with industry-specific regulations regarding data protection and IT security. MSPs are well-versed in these regulations and can help ensure that companies remain compliant, avoiding costly fines and legal issues.


Why Manufacturers Need Managed IT Services

Manufacturing companies face multiple challenges in maintaining their IT infrastructure. From the need for enhanced cybersecurity to the demand for scalable solutions, the role of managed services providers becomes invaluable. These providers offer a range of benefits that directly address the disadvantages of not outsourcing IT, as discussed earlier.

  1. Enhanced Cybersecurity: MSPs provide advanced cybersecurity measures, protecting manufacturing systems from evolving threats like ransomware and phishing. They implement network monitoring, threat detection, and incident response protocols to safeguard data and operations.
  2. 24/7 Monitoring and Support: With round-the-clock monitoring and support, MSPs ensure IT issues are quickly identified and resolved. This proactive approach minimizes downtime and keeps manufacturing processes running smoothly.
  3. Scalability and Flexibility: MSPs offer scalable solutions that adapt to the changing needs of manufacturing companies. Whether experiencing growth or fluctuating demand, these providers ensure IT infrastructure can be adjusted seamlessly.
  4. Data Backup and Recovery: MSPs implement robust data backup and recovery solutions, protecting against data loss that can cause significant production setbacks. This ensures critical data is always retrievable, maintaining operational continuity.
  5. Cloud Services: Leveraging cloud technologies, and MSPs enhance efficiency and collaboration within manufacturing companies. Cloud services provide scalable storage, remote access to critical applications, and improved disaster recovery capabilities.
  6. Compliance and Regulatory Support: MSPs navigate the complexity of industry regulations, ensuring IT systems comply with standards such as ISO and NIST. This helps manufacturing companies avoid fines and legal issues related to non-compliance.
  7. Improved Productivity: By managing IT systems, MSPs free up internal resources, allowing manufacturing companies to focus on core business activities. This boost in productivity can lead to greater innovation and efficiency.
  8. Cost Management: MSPs provide predictable monthly costs for IT services, making budgeting more straightforward for manufacturing companies. This eliminates the need for significant capital investment in IT infrastructure and personnel.




Today's manufacturing environment is more competitive than ever. There are new problems, like how to avoid costly mistakes in offsite measurement equipment placement or dealing with scan data. Managed services provide expertise, valuable security and the ability to grow your company needs to continue working safely despite these conditions. By partnering with a managed service provider, manufacturers can avoid the pitfalls of increased downtime, higher operational costs, security risks, and compliance issues. Outsourcing IT to a managed service provider is not just a smart business decision; it’s a strategic move that can drive growth and ensure the long-term success of manufacturing operations.


For more information on Managed IT Services for the Manufacturing Industry, Contact us today!